Design Services

Home has never been more Important

Most of us have spent a lot more time at home in recent months than we are used to. Our homes have evolved from a retreat we eat, relax, entertain, and sleep in, into multifunctional spaces that also function as our offices, schools, and much more.

At Khandroo Designs, we can help you make the most of the place you call home! Whether you are looking to build your new home from the ground-up, plan an addition, or give it the remodel it deserves, we have the tools and skills to turn your vision into reality!

Architectural Design Services

The art of designing buildings! We develop the blueprints to help turn your vision into reality. We make sure that all the components of your project flow together beautifully, creating a coherent and appealing architectural design. Let’s create/redesign your dream home today!

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Structural Engineering Services

The importance of safety & durability! We create or redesign the framework for your project to ensure superior safety, compliance, and stability

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Interior Design Services

Where aesthetics meet functionality! We help you create a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing, and functional environment to live, work, and sleep in!

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